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Discover the most tender gifts from Milka

Top choices for you

Mega Milka

Mega Milka

Milka giftbox - Love

Milka giftbox - Love

Milka Naps dispenser

Milka Naps dispenser

Milka heart

Milka heart

Discover all Milka gifts

Milka heart 

Milka heart 

Mega Milka - 12 bars

Mega Milka - 12 bars

Milka giftbox - Brownies

Milka giftbox - Brownies

Milka giftbox - Thank you

Milka giftbox - Thank you

Milka naps dispenser

Milka naps dispenser

Milka giftbox - Brownies

Milka giftbox - Brownies

Mega Milka - 6 bars

Mega Milka - 6 bars

Milka giftbox - Birthday

Milka giftbox - Birthday

Milka World

Spread a Little Happiness

Get inspired

Milka made in the Alps

Philippe Suchard, the ‘father’ of Milka, started producing chocolate in 1826, in Serrieres, close to Neuchâtel.

Inspired by the serene beauty of Swiss Alps’ meadows and the rich traditions of Swiss chocolate craftsmanship, he has created a recipe based on a unique combination of fresh Alpine milk and cocoa, that still gives Milka its authentic creamy taste and balanced sweetness.

And in 1901, he started selling these chocolate tablets in a lilac paper packaging under the brand ‘Milka’, born from the fusion of the two main ingredients, “Milch” (milk) and “Kakao” (cocoa).

The quality of ingredients has always been a key priority, that’s why today we still use 100% alpine milk and we choose sustainably sourced cocoa for a chocolate that is tender to our taste buds and to our planet.

Gifting is in Milka’s DNA

With its melt-in-your-mouth chocolate, Milka encourages us to reveal our tender nature, inspiring small gestures of tenderness as sharing Milka tender chocolate is a simple way to show our loved ones that we care.

That’s why to make the moment even more special, Milka is partnering with Your Surprise to introduce beautifully designed gift boxes that you can personalise to surprise and delight your family members or your friends.

Discover the products we have created for you, perfect for sharing love, celebrating friendship, or simply brightening someone’s day and join us in making the world a more tender place.

The perfect gift: Milka Chocolate bars and gifts

Our Milka chocolate gifts are the ultimate surprise to make every celebration special. Not only will the recipient be enveloped in the unmistakable taste of Milka chocolate, but your gift will also be tailor-made, with a unique personalisation.

Whether you're searching for a giant mega Milka bar, a delightful Milka gift box, a Milka heart, or even a Milka advent calendar to countdown to Christmas, we've got you covered. And the best part? You can customise these treats with a photo and a heartfelt message to create a one-of-a-kind gift.

How can I personalise Milka chocolate gifts?

Creating your own personalised Milka chocolate is super easy!

  • Select your Milka chocolate from our assortment. Whether it's a gift box, a giant bar, or a heart-shaped treat, the choice is yours.
  • Add your personal touch: with our user-friendly customisation options, you can add a photo, name, or message to your chosen gift. You can also choose among a selection of Milka designs and custom made designs for any occasion.
  • Finalise the order and wait; we'll take care of the rest! Our team of experts will ensure that your customised Milka chocolate gift is beautifully packaged and ready to bring joy to the lucky recipient's doorstep.

So, why settle for an ordinary gift when you can create an extraordinary one? Personalise your Milka chocolate gift at YourSurprise and watch the receiver's face light up with surprise and delight!